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ECREA Book Series in European Communication Research and Education  provides a diverse overview of the collaborative work of ECREA members and groups, showcasing diversity of topics and areas within the field of contemporary media and communication research.

The Book Series has two main objectives. The first objective is the promotion of European media and communication research. Books, published in the Book Series, have a strong European dimension either by virtue of inclusion of regionally and ethnically diverse voices and cases, or by virtue of comparative research. The Book Series' second aim is to promote collaborative research, especially collaboration between our members or within and between our Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups. Edited volumes can include a limited number of authors who are not ECREA members or who provide insights beyond European perspective. 

An annual call for book proposals is published every September and up to four proposals can be selected for publication annually. Proposals are reviewed by ECREA Book Series editors and their selection confirmed by ECREA Executive Board.

Book Series Editors (from 2024):  Beata Klimkiewicz, Asko Lehmuskallio, Tanya Lokot, Sergio Splendore, Maarit Jaakkola

Book Series Editors (2021-2024): John Downey, Christina Holtz-Bacha, Simone Tosoni, Göran Bolin

Book Series Editors (2016-2020): Ilija Tomanić Trivundža, Christina Holtz-Bacha, and Galina Miazhevich

Book Series Advisory Board: John Downey, Christina Holtz-Bacha, Simone Tosoni, Göran Bolin

You can access and buy the books published in ECREA Book Series at Routledge website (up to Wave 19) and Palgrave website (from Wave 20).


Published titles


Edited by Cosimo Marco Scarcelli, Despina Chronaki, Sara De Vuyst, Sergio Villanueva Baselga

Published May, 2021

This edited collection brings together original empirical and theoretical insights into the complex set of relations which exist between age, gender, sexualities and the media in Europe.

This book investigates how engagements with media reflect people’s constructions and understandings of gender in society, as well as articulations of age in relation to gender and sexuality; the ways in which negotiations of gender and sexuality inform people’s practices with media, and not least how mediated representations may reinforce or challenge social hierarchies based in differences of gender, sexual orientation and age. In doing so, it showcases new and innovative research at the forefront of media and communication practice and theory. Including contributions from both established and early career scholars across Europe, it engages with a wide range of hotly debated topics within the context of gender, sexuality and the media, informing academic, public and policy agendas.

This collection will be of interest to students and researchers in gender studies, media studies, film and television, cultural studies, sexuality, ageing, sociology and education.

Book details here.

Models of Communication. Theoretical and Philosophical Approaches

Edited by Mats Bergman, Kęstas Kirtiklis, Johan Siebers

Models of Communication offers a timely reassessment of the significance of modelling in media and communication studies. From a rich variety of different perspectives, the collected essays explore the past, present, and future uses of communication models, in ordinary discourses concerning communication as well as in academic research.

This book challenges received views of communication models and opens up new paths of inquiry for communication research. By zooming in on the manifestations and purposes of modelling in ordinary discourses on communication as well as in theoretical expositions, the essays collected in this volume cast new light on the problems and prospects of models crafted for the benefit of communication inquiry. Complementing earlier studies of models of communication, the volume digs deep into fundamental epistemological and ontological questions concerning modelling in the communication disciplines; but it also presents several novel models that promise to be of practical use in empirical studies of media and communication.

The book is intended for communication scholars and students of media and will also be of interest for related disciplines in the humanities and the social sciences.

Book details here.


Edited by Tobias Eberwein, Susanne Fengler, Matthias Karmasin

Published in August 2019, 302 pages

Bringing together both leading international scholars and emerging academic talent, Media Accountability in the Era of Post-Truth Politics maps the current state of media accountability in Europe and provides fresh perspectives for future developments in media and communication fields.

As the integrity of the international media landscape is challenged by far-reaching transformations and the rise of “fake news,” the need for a functional system of media regulation is greater than ever. This book addresses the pressing need to re-evaluate and redefine the notion of accountability in the fast-changing field of journalism and “information provision.” Using comparative research and empirical data, the book’s case studies address the notion of media accountability from various perspectives, considering political and societal change, economic, organisational and technological factors, and the changing role of media audiences. By collecting and juxtaposing these studies, the book provides a new discussion for the old question of how we can safeguard free and responsible media in Europe – a question that seems more urgent than ever.

Media Accountability in the Era of Post-Truth Politics is an essential read for students and researchers in journalism, media and communication studies.

Book details here.

(Mis)Understanding Political Participation: Digital Practices, New Forms of Participation and the Renewal of Democracy

Edited by Jeffrey Wimmer, Cornelia Wallner, Rainer Winter, Karoline Oelsner

Published in December 2017, 258 pages

The practices of participation and engagement are characterised by complexities and contradictions. All celebratory examples of uses of social media, e.g. in the Arab spring, the Occupy movement or in recent LGBTQ protests, are deeply rooted in human practices. Because of this connection, every case of mediated participation should be perceived as highly contextual and cannot be attributed to one (social) specific media logic, necessitating detailed empirical studies to investigate the different contexts of political and civic engagement. In this volume, the theoretical chapters discuss analytical frameworks that can enrich our understanding of current contexts and practices of mediated participation. The empirical studies explore the implications of the new digital conditions for the ways in which digitally mediated social interactions, practices and environments shape everyday participation, engagement or protest and their subjective as well societal meaning.

Book details on Routledge's website.

Mediated Intimacies: Connectivities, Relationalities and Proximities

Edited by Rikke Andreassen, Michael Nebeling Petersen, Katherine Harrison, Tobias Raun

Published in October 2017, 306 pages

Social media, characterized by user-generated content, interactivity, participation and community formation, have gained much research attention in recent years. At the same time, intimacy, affectivity and emotions are increasingly growing as fields of study. While these two areas are often interwoven, the actual interconnections are rarely studied in detail. This anthology explores how social media construct new types of intimacies, and how practices of intimacy shape the development and use of new media, offering empirical knowledge, theoretical insights and an international perspective on the flourishing field of digital intimacies.

Book's details on Routledge's website.

Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice

Edited by Hartmut Koenitz, Gabriele Ferri, Mads Haahr, Diğdem Sezen, Tonguç İbrahim Sezen

Published in October 2017

The book is concerned with narrative in digital media that changes according to user input—Interactive Digital Narrative (IDN). It provides a broad overview of current issues and future directions in this multi-disciplinary field that includes humanities-based and computational perspectives. It assembles the voices of leading researchers and practitioners like Janet Murray, Marie-Laure Ryan, Scott Rettberg and Martin Rieser. In three sections, it covers history, theoretical perspectives and varieties of practice including narrative game design, with a special focus on changes in the power relationship between audience and author enabled by interactivity. After discussing the historical development of diverse forms, the book presents theoretical standpoints including a semiotic perspective, a proposal for a specific theoretical framework and an inquiry into the role of artificial intelligence. Finally, it analyses varieties of current practice from digital poetry to location-based applications, artistic experiments and expanded remakes of older narrative game titles.

Book's details on Routledge's website.

Mapping Foreign Correspondence in Europe

Edited by Georgios Terzis

Published in June 2017

The book studies the current trends of foreign correspondence in Europe. The EU’s expansion has had abundant effects on news coverage and some of the European capitals have become home to the biggest international press corps in world. So, who are these "professional strangers" stationed in Europe and how do they try to make their stories, that are clearly important in today’s interconnected world, interesting for viewers and readers?

Book's details on Routledge's website.

Revitalising Audience Research: Innovations in European Audience Research

Edited by Frauke Zeller, Cristina Ponte and Brian O'Neill

Published in June 2017, 294 pages 

The revitalisation of audience studies is not only about new approaches and methods; it entails a crossing of disciplines and a bridging of long-established boundaries in the field. The aim of this volume is to capture the boundary-crossing processes that have begun to emerge across the discipline in the form of innovative, interdisciplinary interventions in the audience research agenda. Contributions to this volume seek to further this process though innovative, audience-oriented perspectives that firmly anchor media engagement within the diversity of contexts and purposes to which people incorporate media in their daily lives, in ways often unanticipated by industries and professionals.

Book's details on Routledge's website.

European Media in Crisis: Values, Risks and Policies

Edited by Josef Trappel, Jeanette Steemers, Barbara Thomass

Published in June 2017, 304 pages 

When the financial markets collapsed in 2008, the media industry was affected by a major slump in advertising revenues, and a formerly highly successful business model fell into a state of decay. This economic crisis has threatened core social values of contemporary democracies, such as freedom, diversity and equality. Taking a normative and policy perspective, this book discusses threats and opportunities for the media industry in Europe: What are the implications of the crisis for professional journalism, the media industry, and the process of political communication? Can non- state and non-market actors profit from the crisis? And what are media policy answers at the national and European level?

Book's details on Routledge's website.

Policies in Media and Information Literacy in Europe: Cross-Country Comparisons

Edited by Divina Frau-Meigs, Irma Velez, Julieta Flores Michel

Published in May 2017, 304 pages

Public Policies in Media and Information Literacy in Europe explores the current tensions in European countries as they attempt to tackle the transition to the digital age, providing a comparative and cross-cultural analysis of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) across Europe.

Book details on Routledge's website.

Gender Equality and the Media: A Challenge for Europe

Edited by Karen Ross, Claudia Padovani

Published in August 2016, 272 pages

This edited collection draws on and expands the findings from a pan-European research project undertaken during 2012-13 which was funded by the European Institute for Gender Equality and aimed to explore three key issues in relation to gender and media: women’s inclusion in decision-making positions within media industries; how women are represented in the media; and what policies and mechanisms are in place to support women’s career development and promote gender equality.

Book details on Routledge's website.

Digital Photography and Everyday Life: Empirical Studies on Material Visual Practices

Edited by Edgar Gómez Cruz and Asko Lehmuskallio

Published in May 2016, 296 pages

Digital Photography and Everyday Life: Empirical studies on material visual practices explores the role that digital photography plays within everyday life.

Book's details on Routledge's website.

Audience Research Methodologies: Between Innovation and Consolidation

Edited by Geoffroy Patriarche, Helena Bilandzic, Jakob Linaa Jensen, Jelena Jurišić

Series Editors: Nico Carpentier, François Heinderyckx

Published in July 2013, 268 pages

The transformations of people’s relations to media content, technologies and institutions raise new methodological challenges and opportunities for audience research. This edited volume aims at contributing to the development of the repertoire of methods and methodologies for audience research by reviewing and exemplifying approaches that have been stimulated by the changing conditions and practices of audiences.

Book's details on Routledge's website.

Audience Transformations:Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity

Edited by Nico Carpentier, Kim Christian Schrøder, Lawrie Hallett

Series Editors: Nico Carpentier, François Heinderyckx

Published in July 2013, 280 pages

The concept of the audience is changing. In the twenty-firstcentury there are novel configurations of user practices and technological capabilities that are altering the way we understand and trust media organizations and representations, how we participate in society, and how we construct our social relations.

Book's details on Routledge's website.

Public Service Media in Europe: A Comparative Approach

Edited by Karen Arriaza Ibarra, Eva Nowak, Raymond Kuhn

Published in August 2015, 222 pages

Public service media (PSM) have been the mainstay of Western European broadcasting for a number of decades. Yet despite a general political consensus in favour of PSM, recent technological, economic and political changes have led to a questioning of their value.

Book's details on Routledge's website.

Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice

Edited by Hartmut Koenitz, Gabriele Ferri, Mads Haahr, Diğdem Sezen, Tonguç İbrahim Sezen

Published in April 2015, 286 pages

The book is concerned with narrative in digital media that changes according to user input—Interactive Digital Narrative (IDN). It provides a broad overview of current issues and future directions in this multi-disciplinary field that includes humanities-based and computational perspectives.

Book's details on Routledge website.

Radio Audiences and Participation in the Age of Network Society

Edited by Tiziano Bonini, Belén Monclús

Published in December 2014, 296 pages

This book maps, describes and further explores all contemporary forms of interaction between radio and its public, with a specific focus on those forms of content co-creation that link producers and listeners. Each essay will analyze one or more case studies, piecing together a map of emerging co-creation practices in contemporary radio.

Book's details on Routledge website.

Multiplayer: The Social Aspects of Digital Gaming

Edited by Thorsten Quandt, Sonja Kröger

Published in October 2013, 252 pages

In the past decade, digital games have become a widely accepted form of media entertainment, moving from the traditional 'core gamer' community into the mainstream media market.

Book's details on Routledge website.

All ECREA Publications

Call for publications

Deadline (Wave 21): October 31, 2024 (extended)

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