European Communication Research
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Media and Religion

The aim of this Temporary Working Group is to bring the study of media and religion into productive conversation with media and communication studies carried out in the European context.

The goal is twofold. Firstly, to invite media and communication scholars interested in religion to a closer dialogue with each other, and secondly, to deepen the theoretical and empirical knowledge and understanding on “religious issues” as they relate to the media, particularly in the context of Europe.

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Management Team

Chair: Johanna Sumiala (University of Helsinki, Department of Social Research, Helsinki, Finland)

Vice Chair: Knut Lundby (University of Oslo, Department of Media and Communication, Oslo, Norway)

Vice Chair: Mihai Coman (Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Bucarest University, Bucarest, Romania)

YECREA representative:
Damian Guzek (University of Silesia)

A list of management team contacts is available on  ECREA intranet

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