European Communication Research |
ECREA currently has 25 permanent thematic Sections, each developing a distinctive field of communication studies, and 3 permanent Networks representing specific socio-demographic categories of scholars. ECREA also has 5 Temporary Working Groups which focus on emerging fields or underrepresented areas. Temporary Working Groups are established following a biennial call (see the last call here) and can later acquire a Section status, while new Networks can be formed outside the biennial call. Please contact the Sections/TWG/Networks coordinator, Malgorzata Winiarska-Brodowska, at, for more information. Each member can join unlimited number of Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups. | Upcoming events
ECREA Temporary Working Groups (TWGs) are, like Sections, thematically organised arenas for developing specialized knowledge in specific fields of media and communication research. The TWGs are established for a term of 4 years. Their status can be renewed for a second 4-year term or transformed into a permanent thematic Section by ECREA Executive Board.