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CEECOM 2017: Critique of/at/on periphery?

  • 15.06.2017
  • 17.06.2017
  • Ljubljana, Slovenia

The conference theme is positioned at the intersection of three interrelated topics, questioning not only the concept of periphery to which CEE as a region is collectively (self)relegated to, but also opening up the question who is allowed to speak from or on behalf of the periphery, along with a more general questioning on the role of criticality within contemporary media and communication scholarship.

The three main topics of the conference therefore address: Firstly the lack of criticality within CEE academia in its relationship with the predominant Western theories, models and histories of the field science (critique OF periphery); Secondly, they refer to the concept of CEE as periphery and the fact that this periphery has historically been able to nurture important critical reflection on the role of media and communication within the processes of social change (critique AT periphery); Thirdly, they refer to the peripheral status of critical research within contemporary academia in general and within the field of media and communication research in particular (critique ON periphery).

We invite proposals for papers and panels that either address a particular aspect of the relationship between criticality and periphery as well as papers and panels which try to address the overlapping of these concepts. While the conference focuses on CEE region, the call does not exclude the papers addressing the less-geographically bound notions of periphery or peripheries, particularly in relation to the European project which has historically served as idealised identity horizon of CEE.

The conference is organized by the CEECOM consortium and the CEE Network, and takes place in a different place each year.

CfP deadline: 17 March 2017

Contact: Ilija Tomanid Trivundža (
Call for papers:



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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