European Communication Research and Education Association
Call for papers:
In association with the CEDAR network to celebrate the conclusion of the CEDAR project, ECREA ARS section is delighted to present this critical conference in audience studies. This is an open conference, anybody can submit. It celebrates the end of project moment for the AHRC CEDAR network, in association with Universidade Católica Portuguesa, the Audience and Reception Studies section of ECREA and YECREA.
Some highlights of this conference include:
Conference Fee Bands: Option 1: 70 Euros (with lunch and refreshments); Option 2: 95 Euros (conference dinner, lunch and refreshments); Option 3: 35 Euros (non-presenting attendee fee).
Submission deadline: 30th March 2017
For full details of the scope of the Call for Papers, including the Submission URL, please visit the conference website here:
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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