European Communication Research and Education Association
The workshop (2.5h) is set up for bringing together doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers, and academic scholars in order to share their ideas and experiences in terms of finding identity, voice and place within different fields of academia. It will provide them with useful tips and tricks given by scholars with distinguished professional experience, who would also be challenged by the interests of the participating postgraduate students. The aim of the programme is initiating a dialogue between the parties with focusing on the following questions:
1. How to overcome problems and difficulties young scholars might face in the beginning of their careers, without losing their enthusiasm and hopes?
2. How to find the right balance between achieving a PhD in the right timeframe and gradually build up one’s professional identity within academia including submitting articles, delivering presentations, getting involved in professional projects and gaining relevant experience in teaching and/or research?
3. Upon completing a PhD, how to find a challenging workplace where young scholars will be able to fulfil their personal potentials?
Contact: Anna Zubori ( Call for papers:
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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