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Migration and communication flows: rethinking borders, conflict and identity through the digital

  • 02.11.2017
  • 03.11.2017
  • University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain

Addressing topical themes such as migration and refugee crises, ECREA's 'Diaspora, Migration and Media' and 'Intercultural and International Communication' sections will organize a joint conference in Bilbao (Spain) in November 2017. 'Migration and communication flows. Rethinking borders and identity through the digital' will tackle issues of representation, identity, language as well as methodological challenges. Next to paper presentations, we have keynote speeches by Pedro Oiarzabal (Universidad de Deusto) and Myria Georgiou (London School of Economics) and a roundtable with journalists.

The conference will include:

  • Keynote speeches by Myria Georgiou TBC (London School of Economics and Political Science) and Pedro Oiarzabal (University of Deusto).
  • A roundtable to establish bridges of dialogue between academics studying the coverage of migrants and journalists reporting on various conflicts in Europe, addressing methodological and ethical challenges.
  • A YECREA event dedicated to young scholars (PhD and postdoc level): see below for more information.
  • A joint session organized by the ECREA 'Intercultural and International Communication' division to broaden the empirical, conceptual and methodological scope of the conference and to explore future collaborations.
  • An elaborate social programme, allowing participants to enjoy the city of Bilbao.

Contact: Irati Agirreazkuenaga ( and Stijn Joye (
Call for papers:



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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