European Communication Research and Education Association
Digital culture and communication is built on data. The Digital Culture and Communication section was set up with the claim that “digital culture and communication is one of the newest topics within the realm of media and communication research.” To some, it appears that the data paradigm has arrived as a self-evidently unifying concept for the Section. For others, whether positively or negatively, a focus on data might be fundamentally disruptive to the way that we understand our research and disciplines in Digital Culture and Communication. In response to this – and in addition to addressing broader questions pertinent to the study of digital culture and communication – this Symposium invites papers that will address specific issues around data in digital media and culture:
At the same time it is important to recognise the hegemonic position that data has taken in academia and the wider world. As such, papers that challenge this paradigm or aim to show alternative or complementary ways to address digital culture and communication are equally important to the DCC Section meeting.
Abstract deadline: 20 May 2017
Keynote speakers:
Contact: Call for papers:
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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