European Communication Research
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Branded Content Research Network conference

  • 07.11.2017
  • 08.11.2017
  • University of East London, UK

The seminar in June is part of a programme of events culminating in our Branded Content Research Network conference on 7-8 November at the University of East London. The conference will include meetings and events on the afternoon and evening of 7 November and a one-day conference on 8 November. Keynote speakers at the conference include Dr Anne Cronin, Lancaster University, whose books include Advertising, Commercial Spaces and the Urban, and Advertising Myths; Dr Mara Einstein of New York University, author of Black Ops Advertising; Professor Joseph Turow, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, author of The Daily You, Breaking Up America, Media Today and The Aisles Have Eyes.

We invite interested members of the Advertising TWG to participate and join us for each of these events. Both the June seminar and November conference are free and open to interested researchers and we invite you to join us. We do not have funds to assist with travel unfortunately.

We realise that most members of the TWG who are based outside the UK will only be able to attend one of these events so we want to offer this guidance for those who would like to respond to the call for papers. The June event will be a good opportunity to present research papers or papers that contributes to the seminar topics. We warmly invite doctoral students and early-career researchers to apply for the June event, as well as mid-career and senior researchers. The conference will be a larger event. It will also include paper sessions but, rather than provide a platform for individual research, papers will be arranged around themed panels to address conference topics. These will be arranged around themed panels and will be more topic based rather than presenting individual research. For doctoral students and early-career researchers, in particular, the better opportunity to present your work for discussion will be the June event. We will endeavour to provide opportunities too at the conference but these may be more limited depending on the nature of panel sessions and plenary sessions.

For this call for papers for the June seminar we invite you to submit an abstract by 3 April 2017. We will confirm invitations to present by 28 April.

Please send abstracts (250 words max) to Prof. Jonathan Hardy ( and Prof. Patricia Núñez (Chair, ECREA Advertising TRG,

There will be a separate call for papers for the 7-8 November conference shortly that will be disseminated to ECREA members and posted on the Branded Content Research Network website. The deadline for abstract submissions will be 30 May 2017.

Contact: Jonathan Hardy (



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