European Communication Research and Education Association
The coordinates of democracy, civic engagement and political participation are being fundamentally reconfigured in the context of digital media, Big Data and algorithmic culture, and so too are the media industries. This joint conference of the ECREA Communication and Democracy and Media Industries and Cultural Production Sections provides the opportunity to analyse and assess these changes.
The constant need to measure and capture our behavior and attitudes has consequences for our political agency and subjectivities. What do big data and algorithmic culture mean in the context of democratic participation and engagement? What are the consequences of ubiquitous surveillance, preemptive policing and social bots for our understanding of democracy and exercise of civic rights? How do current discussions of political agency in the digital age compare to previous moments of disruption in terms of the introduction of media technologies?
Keynote speakers: Helen Kennedy (University of Sheffield), Joseph Turow (University of Pennsylvania), Mikkel Flyverbom (Copenhagen Business School)
Abstract Deadline: 1 June 2017
Contact: Anne Kaun; Julia Velkova
Call for papers:
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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