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The Future of European Television: Between Transnationalism and Euroscepticism

  • 15.11.2017
  • 17.11.2017
  • University of Málaga, Málaga, Spain

In recent years Television in Europe has become more and more transnational as the increasing number of European co-productions shows. These tendencies are now challenged by the recent developments of a political climate of anti-Europeanism and neo-nationalism in Europe such as the Brexit as well as by a new protectionism in the USA that could affect European media ecology. This section interim conference will focus on the current political developments, transformations, challenges and risks that impact on the future of Television, its creative processes, contents and its reception in Europe. Just as Europe as a continent, regarding its political construction and common project, lives in a time of changes, threats and tensions, Television also experiences deep transformations. It stages new requirements for academic research: How can we approach Television past, present and future in Europe in the face of this new paradigm of change and even Euroscepticism? How does the current development impact not only ways of production but also ways of viewing? What is the political and cultural role of Television through its live events broadcasting, TV journalism, fictions or shows, within the dynamics of social and political change? Will it be possible in the future to refer to "European Television" as a defined concept?

In collaboration with the “Production and media content" Section of the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC).

Call for papers:



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6041 Charleroi

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