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ECREA 2018 Pre-conference: Audiences, datafication and the everyday: Challenges, ambitions and priorities for audience studies in datafied societies

  • 31.10.2018
  • 09:30 - 17:00
  • Lugano, Switzerland

A variety of fields have started critically examining what van Dijck (2014) has termed dataism, and the logic and consequences of big data in contemporary societies. This preconference aims to critically assess the repertories and readiness of audience studies – from its long histories of empirical interest in everyday practices and literacies – to chart out a roadmap for the field in the specific contexts that datafication presents. What empirical ambitions shall we pursue at the intersections of datafication and everyday life? What methodological approaches shall we adopt? Extending Sonia Livingstone’s now classical 2004 question, we ask – What is the audience researcher to do in a datafied age?



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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