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ECREA 2018 Pre-conference: Mobile (in)visibilities

  • 31.10.2018
  • 09:15 - 16:45
  • Lugano, Switzerland

In a well known call for studying vision and visuality, focusing on both the physical act of seeing and the social circumstances within which it is embedded, Hal Foster (1988) suggested to attend to differences “among how we see, how we are able, allowed, or made to see, and how we see this seeing or the unseen therein.” Social scientific work on “ways of seeing” (Berger 1972), though not always rendered in these terms, had already started to focus on the myriad ways in which we move in social space, socially regulate interpersonal boundaries, or deal with proxemics. In the last years, calls for practice-based studies of vision and visuality have started to explore the role of embodied, material practices to what becomes visible e.g. in photographs, and what remains unseen (e.g. Kember & Zylinska 2012; Rose & Tolia-Kelly 2012; Lehmuskallio & Gómez Cruz 2016). These latter studies focus specifically on the role of media in transforming that which we might see with our eyes as pictures to be shown and shared to others. In doing so, they point to the role of media in transforming what becomes visible, and what remains unseen. Practice-based studies foreground mediation, and in doing so, focus on movement. That which moves may catch our attention, or move out of sight. Visibilities are partial, and always on the move.

The ECREA TWG Visual Cultures invites papers to discuss *mobile (in)visibilities*, exploring vision and visuality as materially mediated, socially constrained, in movement, and only at times available for prolonged attention.



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