European Communication Research and Education Association
The fifth annual conference of the Journalism & Communication Education TWG will be hosted by the University of Salzburg on May 17 and 18, 2019.
This year, we will be discussing the relationship between educational institutions and the media industry. We invite abstracts of academic research, project-based experiences and different approaches (theoretical, methodological or empirical) in various formats, e.g. workshops, panels and individual presentations. Submission deadline is February 15, 2019. You can find the call and more information on our conference website
Conference Theme: “Trial and Error III” - Business as usual? On the Relationship between Industry and Education for Media Professionals in Times of Change
Conference Date: Friday, 17th May and Saturday, 18th May, 2019.
Conference Venue: University of Salzburg/Austria
Extended Deadline for submissions: Sunday, 3rd March, 2019
Official Website:
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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