European Communication Research
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ECREA CLP Section annual event: Communication Rights in the Digital Age

  • 24.10.2019
  • 25.10.2019
  • Helsinki, Finland

As the role of communication has been magnified in the digital era, calls for the protection of citizens’ “digital rights,” have resulted in countless declarations by governments, international bodies and activist organizations. In addition to debates on the consequences of digital transformations for established rights, new rights have been envisioned, such as “the right to be forgotten” and the right to internet access. Due to the importance of communication rights to societies and democracy, it is imperative to understand how those rights are defined, manifested, regulated and monitored today. Therefore you are invited to submit your proposal of max. 500 words to our call for papers and participate in our conference in Helsinki, Finland held between the 24th and 25th of October focusing on Communication Rights in the Digital Age, where we will answer questions on definitions of communication rights, roles of policy and other actors defining these rights in national and international context and current core issues that pertain to communication rights.

Conference website:



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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