9th February 2022 (Online)
13:00 – Opening Session
Evandro Oliveira, ECREA OSC-Chair; Holger Sievert – Macromedia local organiser
13:05 – Welcome Speech - Castulus Kolo, President, Macromedia University
13:15 – Impulse Keynote - Now or Never: Transforming Educational Practices Through Learning Engineering – Peter van Leusen, Arizona State University
14:00 – Homely Coffee-Break
14:10 – Session 1– Strategic Communication Education
Teaching organisational communication through problem-based learning: Comparing offline and online learning environments.
Michael Johann, Universität Augsburg
Disciplinary approaches and theories in Argentinian PR undergraduate programmes.
Gabriel Sadi, Huddersfield Business School
Meaningful applied learning in Spain during the pandemic: An asynchronous collaborative experience.
Andrea Castro-Martínez and Cristina Pérez-Ordóñez, Universidad de Málaga
Teaching strategic communication in Spanish online universities.
Ileana Zeler, Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, Marc Compte Pujol, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
15:00 - Session 2 - Pedagogic strategies in communication
Increasing engagement of students in online teaching: The use of asynchronous video discussions in disseminating knowledge.
Gabor Sarlos, University of Roehampton
Innovative practices in Communication education: the use of biomimicry and the AskNature platform.
María Belén Barroso, Universidad de Málaga & Almanatura Trust; Alejandro Álvarez-Nobell & Isabel Ruiz-Mora, Universidad de Málaga
The 'Coaching Lab': bridging fundamental advertising theories with their practical value.
Sara Vinyals-Mirabent & Cristina Martorell, Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona
Approaches to the development of master's programs in the context of digital transformation: the experience of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow).
Veronica Yarnykh, Russian State University Moscow
PodCasting as a tool of discourse and qualification on didactics in higher education.
Andreas Hebbel-Seeger & Annette Strauß, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences
16:00 – Homely Coffee-Break
16:20 – Session 3– Intercultural Communication Education
The benefit of VR in teaching intercultural communication competence.
Liane Rothenberger, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt; Yi Xu, Kathrin Knutzen & Irina Tribusean, TU Ilmenau
Hybrid and team teaching of intercultural communication. Theoretical and empirical perspectives on a bilingual case study on communication management within a multi-campus university.
Holger Sievert, Florian Meißner & Dominik Pietzcker, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences
Training intercultural communication competencies with an open approach and movement.
Evandro Oliveira, Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona
Peeking at the privates: teaching protest organisations research of the (online) public sphere.
Yulia Belinskaya, Universität Wien
17:10 – Session 4 - New tools and strategies within Digital Environments
Teaching tech to non-techie Media students… online
Danilo Giglitto & Mon Rodriguez-Amat, Sheffield Hallam University
The SCoRe Project: from research-based learning to research-based seeing via video
Marianna Baranovska-Bölter, Andreas Hebbel-Seeger & André Kopischke, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences
Teaching like a YouTuber: Exploring ways of applying YouTubers’ techniques for online lectures
Hantian Zhang, Sheffield Hallam University
Adapting film creative project realisation to Covid teaching conditions.
Susannah Gent, Sheffield Hallam University
18:00 – Homely Coffee-Break
18:30 – Communication Education during and after Corona: A pan European expert panel
Ana Tkalac Verčič, Faculty of Zagreb. Croatia and Slovenia
Evandro Oliveira, ECREA Organizational and Strategic Communication Section Chair. Portugal, Germany and Spain
Ileana Zeler, ECREA Organizational and Strategic Communication Section Vice-Chair. Argentina and Spain.
Ralph Tench, EUPRERA – European Public Relations Education and Research Organisation. UK
Chair: Holger Sievert, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
This session will be open to public without registration.
19:45 – Virtual get together
Registration as online audience until February 6th. https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/ecrea-osc-2022
25 Euro - online participation (includes a physical conference package sent by mail)
If you have further questions, please feel free to contact ecreaosc@gmail.com. This conference is organised by the ECREA OSC management team (Prof. Dr. Evandro Oliveira, Dr. Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat and Prof. Dr. Ileana Lis Zeler), together with Macromedia University and OSC member local organizer Prof. Dr. Holger Sievert.