European Communication Research
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Advancing Concepts and Methods in Political Communication

  • 11.10.2022
  • 12.10.2022
  • Online

Virtual workshop

Deadline: May 15, 2022

European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)

2 day-ECREA Early Career Scholars Workshop in Political Communication

Sponsored by: ECREA Political Communication Section

Organizers: Cristina Monzer, Emilija Gagrčin (YECREA representatives in the Political Communication Section), Melanie Magin, Agnieszka Stępińska, and Jakob Ohme (Political Communication Section Management Team)

Interesting and influential scholarship challenges our preconceptions in some way. Particularly early-career scholars (PhD students, postdoc-level) are often endeavoured to contribute to conceptual or methodological development as a means of positioning themselves in a research field. However, we rarely get insights into how scholars generate and develop ideas that end up challenging and advancing the field.

In this spirit, the pre-conference aims to offer insights into how innovation and problematization in the field of political communication can be done. More so, the pre-conference seeks to contribute to the professional development of young scholars by giving them an opportunity to present and discuss their innovative research in a constructive and international atmosphere.

The workshop is relevant for early-career scholars in the field of political communication, who seek to discuss their work from the perspective of conceptual and methodological innovation within the field.

Format & program

The pre-conference will take place digitally, with keynote talks and presentation sessions in a synchronous format that enable direct feedback rounds between participants and senior scholars.

The program for the two days will include two types of sessions:

a. In their keynote speeches, Prof. Ulrike Klinger (European University Viadrina FrankfurtOder) and Assoc. Prof. Christian Baden (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) will provide input on conceptual development and methodological innovation in the field of political communication.

b. Participants will present their work in small groups (3-5 participants) and receive in-depth feedback from invited senior scholars and peers. This means that you will both give and receive feedback. By reviewing other early career scholars’ work, participants will learn more about the peer review process as well as improve skills on how to revise papers and draft reviewer responses for top journals.

Submission guidelines

We invite early career scholars to submit their work in the field of political communication exploring the changing nature of the relationship between citizens, political actors, and the media. Membership in ECREA’s Political Communication Section is not a prerequisite of application. Applicants should submit an abstract of 500 words (excluding references) that outlines the topic, rationale, theoretical approach, and, if applicable, empirical application of the respective project. The abstract should clearly indicate how you believe that your approach is contributing to the field of political communication. Conceptual, empirical, and methodological manuscripts are welcome.

If the work is part of your PhD dissertation, please indicate whether the submitted piece is part of a compilation dissertation (article-based dissertation) or of a monograph (chapter, overview). Include your name, affiliation and name of your supervisor in the abstract.

Deadlines for submission

Abstracts should be submitted no later than 23:59 CET on Sunday, 15 May 2022. Submissions should be sent via email to

Acceptance letters will be sent in mid-June.

If accepted, participants will need to submit a manuscript of up to 8000 words by 16 September 2022, 23:59 CET. The manuscripts will serve as a basis for feedback and discussion in small groups.

If you have any questions or remarks, please contact us at



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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