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Rethinking positionality in media and migration research

  • 14.10.2022
  • Online

PhD workshop (online)

Deadline: April 1, 2022

We invite PhD students to send us a proposal on the theme of Rethinking positionality in media and migration research, to be considered for an online workshop we are organising ahead of the ECREA 2022 9th European Communication Conference.

The workshop aims to provide support to doctoral students by connecting them with junior and senior researchers with experience in the field of media and migration research. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss their works and receive detailed feedback as well as guidance.

We welcome theoretical and empirical proposals from PhD candidates at the beginning or in the middle of their research projects, focusing specifically on the following themes:

- Ethical challenges in media and migration research;

- The contribution of intersectional approaches, post-colonial and de-colonial perspectives, and the challenges they pose;

- Moving beyond Euro-centrism in media and migration studies;

- Alternative approaches to the study of diasporic communities and imaginaries;

- Re-addressing and re-thinking positionality and relationality in migration research.

Interested applicants should submit an abstract of 800 words outlining the topic of their PhD project, its objectives, theoretical and methodological approaches. They should also specify at what stage of their doctoral study they are, and what are the specific challenges they are encountering whilst doing their research. This is to allow for a more structured support during the workshop.

Please send your abstract via this link

The deadline for the online submission of abstracts is April 1st, 2022. The online workshop will take place on the 14th of October 2022 (all day). Speakers tbc.

For further questions please email



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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