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Online Workshop of Audience and Reception Studies Section: Methodological Challenges of Doing Audience Research in (post) Covid Times

  • 14.10.2022
  • Online

Deadline: 15 July 2022 (EXTENDED)


Online workshop before the 9th European Communication Conference

The pandemic has put lots of restraints on audience research making it harder to conduct and pushing scholars to adjust their research methodology to suitable ways of data collection. With the Audience and Reception Studies pre-conference workshop we will look at how audience research has changed, increasingly shifting to a digital methodology, and what are the methodological challenges faced by researchers given Covid restrictions.

Join us to discuss your experiences of how to do audience research during these times, to share your thoughts of what is methodologically “feasible” and what is not, to address your concerns on how audience research is changing or your ideas about new innovative tools and methods that can be used.

You can review the specific methodology used in your current project and how this adapts to the (post) Covid era, or discuss the difficulties you are facing in applying your methods of data collection, or address wider matters of interest regarding methodology (e.g. how is qualitative research taking place during the pandemic? Are we increasingly moving to quantitative methods of audience research? What are the losses and what are the gains of such changes? and more).

Rather than the usual format, this online event will consist of workshops made up of 15-20-minute methodological reflections designed to generate debate and discussion.

The workshop will take place online on Friday, 14 October 2022.

Fill in the registration form no later than 30 June 2022 and give us an indication of the method/topic you would like to present or discuss.

No attendance fee required.

More detailed program to follow soon after the registration is closed.

For questions regarding the workshop, please email

Alessandro Nani, Tallinn University,

Vivi Theodoropoulou,

Jelena Kleut, University of Novi Sad,



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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