European Communication Research
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The datafied child: growing in the algorithmic conundrum

  • 12.10.2022
  • Online

Deadline: July 8, 2022

In the digital age, school-age children are increasingly digital consumers, highly exposed to different digital media – particularly mobile media -, and living immersed in a sea of data and information. If leveraged in an appropriate and meaningful way, digital technology can be a game changer for children from low income households, for children with special needs, as well as for young migrants and other vulnerable or at risk groups – opening new doors to engage in social, political and economic dynamics. However, if access is kept restricted, if children’s digital rights cannot be guaranteed or when media and information literacy (MIL) competencies are not promoted effectively, digital technology can lead to the amplification of existing divides. This can make it difficult for younger generations to enjoy the empowering potential that might flow from their interactions with technologies.

Children engage with digital technologies through imitation, gradually refining their practices making these infrastructures central vehicles of expression, learning and living. Screens become much more than mirrors of reality; they are reality; they become sources of experiences and the center of growth for a generation profoundly linked to hybrid spaces with both digital and materials layers.

In this scenario, terms such as algorithms, attention economy, produsage, metaverse, digital citizenship and participation are more than buzzwords used in socio-political and economic discourses. They are key aspects and mediators of everyday life. Considering their impact, it is essential that these key terms are considered from multiple perspectives and through the lens of different stakeholders, including the government, academia, industry and civil society. Therefore, with our event we aim to promote the establishment of such dialogues in order to join forces to prevent negative impacts, to promote the positive growth and engagement of younger generations with digital technologies, and to develop new pedagogies and transferable knowledge (Fedorov, Levitskaya & Camarero, 2016; Nupairoj, 2016).

We invite all students, researchers, practitioners, youth workers, NGO members and others (ECREA and non-ECREA members) with expertise and/or interest in the topics of this pre-conference to participate and engage in roundtable discussions and participant-led sessions.

The envisioned outcome of our event is to create a:

  • List of recommendations or key takeaways from the roundtable and participant-lead sessions;
  • Short online publication based on the papers from the attendee-lead sessions or a short aftermovie;
  • A strengthened community in which participants have gained fresh ideas, in a collaborative and creative way.


This pre-conference intends to be a participant-led event. It will engage participants in an interactive and fruitful dialogue about how government, academia, industry and civil society – four major actors in the innovation system – can collaborate to promote a positive digital future for the young generations, as well as to showcase good practices. Its final goal is to highlight learnings that can contribute to the positive development of the activities carried out in each of these sectors, towards a healthy growth in the algorithmic conundrum.

We start with one roundtable that will gather academics, teachers and trainers, NGO members, decision-makers and professionals of the tertiary sector focused on the major issues related to the theme of the pre-conference. We invite all participants to submit questions they wish to see addressed during this roundtable.

Then two participant-led sessions will take place. We will give our community the chance to present their works and reflections about subjects related to the pre-conference’s topics. These participant-led sessions will promote a critical, creative and collaborative environment to foster discussion and sharing of experiences and knowledge among all participants.

Find the preliminary program below:

9:00 – Welcome

9:15 – Roundtable

10:50 – Break

11:00 – Participant-led session 1

11:50 – Break

12:00 – Participant-led session 2

12:45 – Closing

Call for participation

The ECREA CYM seeks submissions that link to one or more of the following topics but not exclusively:

  • media and digital exposure;
  • attention economy;
  • metaverse and new hybrid realities;
  • vulnerable groups and digital disconnection;
  • algorithms and the impact in online learning and media consumption;
  • algorithms and emotional wellbeing;
  • challenges and threats to digital citizenship and participation;
  • innovative pedagogical approaches to Media and Information Literacy;
  • experiences and collaboration with stakeholders beyond academia.
In your application, you can contribute to our event by submitting:
  • one or more questions you would like to see addressed in the roundtable, with a special focus on the major themes covered by the event;
  • and/or

abstracts (max 500 words, excl. references if applicable) about the topics above that you would like to present at the participant-led sessions. Participants can submit up to three abstracts. Abstracts must have a maximum length of 500 words which does not include the reference list and also not the keywords. For each abstract you submit, include at least the following aspects 1) title 2) body text 5) keywords (up to 5 keywords max). Presentations of the selected works must have a max. duration of 10 min.

This event will be online and free of charge.

How to submit your proposal?

Questions for the roundtables and/ or short abstracts must be submitted by 8th July through the form below.

Submit your proposal here.

For questions regarding your submission, please contact

Important dates

Submission/ questions and abstracts submission deadline: 8th July 2022

Communication of results: 1st August 2022

Registration deadline: 16th september

Pre-conference Date: 12th October 2022



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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