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New Perspectives and Directions in Philosophy of Communication

  • 07.10.2022
  • Online

Philosophy of Communication Section‘s online pre-conference before the 9th European Communication Conference

Philosophy is perhaps the most reflective of all academic disciplines. Philosophers keep asking questions not only about the world, our knowledge of it or the ways we act or should act in it. Rather, the question what philosophy is and what is its place in the world is also a very important philosophical question by itself.

Since in this one-day event we do not aim at the presentation of mature research, but rather at reflections regarding the state of the philosophy of communications, we invite participants to put themselves forward for short interventions (no longer than 10 minutes), which can then form the basis for conversation. The proposed topics are three:

1.       Philosophy in institutions, philosophy of institutions

This session would be devoted to a conversation about the section itself and how it is developing. Why do we need the institutionalization of the philosophy of communication, what forms may it take in the future? Here we would look at what the section can do for early career researchers, how could we enliven exchange within the section and cooperation with other sections.

2.       In Search for the Fields of Impact

What impact philosophy (of communication) can have on the world outside of academia? What are the big issues of the day and what is the contribution philosophy of communication can make? What are the topics and questions, or even events philosophy of communication has not considered yet, but definitely should?

3.       Philosophy of Communication beyond the “parent disciplines”

How do we see its place in both institutionalized disciplines – philosophy and communication? Should it reach out for dialogue with other disciplines – e.g. linguistics, literary or art studies? What forms these collaborations take or may take?

Please send the intents to participate in the discussion and preliminary thoughts to the organizers by 15 July, 2022:

Kęstas Kirtiklis (

Joana Bicacro (

Eli Dresner (



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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