European Communication Research
and Education Association

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Rethink the Network - Connecting Actors in Journalism and Communication Education

  • 30.09.2022
  • Online

Type of event: one-day webinar (three sessions)


Zoom link: 

Morning session: Rethink the Network - Presentations of European and world JCE organizations

TWG JCE is hosting representatives of WJEC, IAMCR and EJTA which will, in short ten-minute presentations, introduce their scope, and work. Participants will learn about their plans for the near future, institutions’ previous work, and general opportunities for collaboration.

After the short introductions, all participants will have the opportunity to get involved in the moderated Q&A session.

Noon session: Rethink the Network – Topic Discussion

This activity is addressed to those interested in free scholarly discussion and who wish to share current professional insights about theoretical and/or practical (teaching, media work) tendencies and/or experiences with ongoing research and projects.

Each room moderator starts the discussion with an input statement and participants follow up.

We create five Breakout rooms for discussion regarding the following topics:

1. (Re)creating JCE curriculum

Participants are invited to share their experiences and recommendations about JCE curriculum designing, especially transformations related to e-learning during Covid-19 pandemic, comparative insights, logistic in higher education institutions, new methods, instruments and documents, as well as theoretical concepts in order to highlight current scholarly efforts in creating and organizing quality academic journalism and communication education.

2. New literature, and (open) sources in JCE

Participants are invited to share their insights about new important titles and sources that could be useful for their fellow scholars in scientific, teaching and /or media work. Namely, scientific and professional journals each year publish a distinct amount of papers about journalism and communication education, European production is increasing, new journals are established, new books are presented, there is a large body of knowledge which is not internationally visible, different sources are emerging, open sources are of better quality and more useful.

3. JCE Theory

Participants are invited to share new knowledge about journalism and communication education from a theoretical angle, as well as not yet published theoretical concepts they are working on individually or in collaboration.

4. Teaching JCE

Participants are invited to share classroom experiences, good practice examples and/or insights from empirical research which will help us to make journalism and communication education better. Topics may include, but are not limited to, innovative teaching methods, experiences with online and hybrid teaching during Covid-19 and/or evaluating student feedback.

5. JCE and media industry

Participants are invited to share outcomes of collaboration between higher education institutions and media organizations. The discussion can refer to qualifications, competencies, job descriptions, new positions in the media industry which need new study programmes, the discrepancy between media professions’ job and JCE as an academic discipline, expectations of the media industry due to the new digital environment, etc.

Due to timely organization, we kindly invite you to get in touch by 28th September 2022 writing to and stating which room you would like to be a part of. There is a possibility to participate in no more than two rooms.

Afternoon session: Rethink the Network – JCE Young Scholar Workshop

In the second part of our preconference, we would like to set the focus on young researchers. The workshop is addressed to all scholars who work on JCE topics within their dissertation. Dissertation projects in all phases - from the conception to the final phase - are welcome.

We invite doctoral students to present their dissertation projects in the research field of JCE to peers and experienced mentors of the network. First, the participants present their dissertation projects to the plenum in a short talk. Afterwards, the projects’ methodological or theoretical approach will be discussed one-on-one with a senior scholar. Lastly, peers of the same work phase can exchange their experiences and questions.

Please send an extended abstract (max. 800 words) and a short CV as a PDF file to our JCE YECREA representative Charmaine Voigt at by August 1st, 2022. Please state the status of your dissertation project. This is not a selection criterion, but helps to better assign you to other young researchers in a similar working phase. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by August 26th, 2022.

The Agenda*

Morning webinar session

10.00 - 10.05 - Welcome words
10.05 - 10.15 - Nico Drok (World Journalism Education Council)
10.15 - 10.25 - Leena Ripatti-Torniainen (IAMCR 
- Media education research (MER) Section)
10.25 - 10.35 - Nadia Vissers (European Journalism Teaching Association - EJTA)
10.35 - 11.00 Q&A


11.00 - 11.15 - Coffee break

Noon webinar session

11.15 - 12.15 - Topic rooms


12.15 - 13.00 - Lunch break

Afternoon webinar session

13.00 - 13.10 - Welcome words
13.10 - 14.00 - Short presentations (plenum)
14.00 - 14.30 - Individual feedback (breakout rooms)
14.30 - 15.30 - Peer discussion in work phases (3 breakout rooms) 15.30 - 15.45 - Farewell

We look forward to meeting you and networking online at our preconference on 30 September 2022!

JCE TWG management team

*All time is CET



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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