European Communication Research and Education Association
Spring is coming and we are ready to organize our next big event. From 30 August to 01 September 2023, the TWG will hold a workshop at the Department of Communication at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. We invite you all to submit your (un)finished research, ideas, and projects to discuss affect and emotion research in media and communication. We received many great submissions for the main ECREA conference last year but many of you did unfortunately not get the chance to present your work. This workshop will allow us to engage in academic exchange in our community and gives us the opportunity to get to know each other and our research.
We hope many of you will submit until April 14 and spend some nice late summer days with us in Copenhagen. Please also feel free to share the link with your colleagues because submitters do not have to be members of ECREA or our TWG. You can find all relevant information here in the call:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to Manuel Menke (
Kind regards from the management team
Manuel Menke (chair)
Fredrika Thelandersson (co-chair)
Débora Medeiros (co-chair)
Klara Langmann (YECREA representative)
PS: We are aware that the event is in Denmark again. After this first in-person workshop of our TWG, we are hoping to co-organize the 2025 workshop together with one of you at another University in Europe. We are also working on securing funding to reduce the costs for attendees, however, we cannot guarantee that we are successful. We will inform participants once we know more. Costs for PhDs will be at a reduced rate in any case.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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