European Communication Research
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Workshop opportunity for Ph.D. students in risk and crisis communication

  • 04.10.2023
  • Gothenburg, Sweden

Date : October  4, 2023

Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

As part of the Crisis7 conference in Gothenburg (Sweden), we would like to invite all young scholars to apply for our pre-conference on October 4th, a PhD Workshop jointly held by ECREA’s Crisis Communication Section and the Young Scholars Network (YECREA). The pre-conference is divided into two separate parts: one workshop focusing on communicating research to a non-academic public, and one feedback session with a special focus on methodology.

You can find more information on the workshop and how to apply here:

The main conference (“Communication from a Citizen Perspective – Urban Risks and Crises”) will take place from October 5-7.



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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