European Communication Research
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Looking Forward!: Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Section Conference

  • 24.10.2023
  • 26.10.2023
  • Tallin (Estonia)

October 24 - October 26, 2023 

Tallinn, Estonia 

Deadline (EXTENDED): July 25, 2023

The ICSI Conference is the 7th bi-annual meeting of the Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction section of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association). This year’s conference is hosted by Baltic Film, Media and Art School, Tallinn University, Estonia:

In this year’s conference we will be "Looking forward!". We want to look ahead after recent – even still ongoing – challenging and hard times in Europe. ICSI wants to provide a platform for wondering and visualizing the future and the solutions that we can provide as communication scholars. Each of the different sub-disciplines of interpersonal communication and social interaction has the capacity to provide an important contribution to the work for a sustainable society and well-being in relationships, families, communities, workplaces, and networks. This contribution may take place, for example, in the arenas of politics, health care, and intercultural encounters, in face-to-face, mediated, and digitalized environments, interpersonally and in interaction with AI. The City of Tallinn, the Green Capital in 2023 provides us a stimulating environment for discussing interpersonal and social aspects of ecological, societal, responsibility end sustainability questions. 

We are also “Looking forward!” to seeing all the ICSI scholars again after four years break, since due to the COVID19-pandemic, the section conference was cancelled two years ago. Now it is truly exciting to meet again in this active and intriguing section conference. The ICSI Conference 2023 provides an opportunity to share our ideas, theories and research about interpersonal communication and social interaction across our different specializations. Connecting our insights from different approaches will inform our own current research, provide creative ideas for future research, and help theory development. 

We call for paper and panel proposals from any communication or communication-related discipline that addresses the section's themes. Ideas and proposals for future research are highly encouraged. Please, submit your 500-word abstract by July 10 (Midnight CET) at the latest. 

We also invite young scholars to join us from the different sub-disciplines of interpersonal communication and social interaction, working with some section’s themes. As part of our conference program, we will provide a workshop for young scholars (doctoral students and early-career researchers). The workshop provides a great opportunity to receive feedback from senior mentors on the paper you submit, and to network with your international colleagues.

Please submit your 500-word proposal by July 25 (Midnight CET) at the latest. In the workshop, you can present either A) an article manuscript you are currently working on, B) an extended abstract of your doctoral dissertation, or C) a detailed research plan/dissertation proposal. During the workshop, participants and senior faculty members will discuss the papers submitted by the participants. Your participation will include submitting a paper (1300–1500 words) by September 30, giving a short (5–10 minutes) presentation of your work, and actively engaging in the workshop discussions. You will receive detailed instructions once accepted.

Submission deadline: July 25 (midnight CET). 

More information and submission website:



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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