European Communication Research and Education Association
The ECREA Political Communication section organizes its bi-annual section conference in Berlin, hosted by the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society and Freie Universität Berlin from 31. August – 01. September 2023.
We look forward to welcoming around 150 scholars from 23 countries in Europe, Australia, Asia, and America in Germany. We will have two days packed with exciting keynotes, presentations of new research, and networking events. The conference theme is Navigating the Noise: Effective Communication for Solving Political Problems, which is also reflected in a roundtable discussion with stakeholders of political communication research, such as politicians, journalists, and NGOs.
More information about the conference can be found here:
Agnieszka Stępińska (chair)
Jakob Ohme (vice-chair)
Nicoleta Corbu (vice-chair)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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