European Communication Research and Education Association
The ECREA Political Communication Section PhD Workshop on Communicating through the Noise: Science Communication for Early-Career Scholars will take place on August 30, 2023 in the Weizenbaum-Institute for the Networked Society, Berlin. The one-day workshop is a hands-on opportunity for early-career researchers to learn how to effectively communicate their research to diverse audiences. One of the key challenges in science communication is ensuring that complex scientific concepts are communicated appropriately for lay audiences. The workshop will cover both traditional media (i.e., journalists) and new media (e.g., YouTube) with a focus on why science communication is important, when it is appropriate, and how to reach target audiences effectively. Participants will leave the workshop with practical skills and knowledge to share their research findings in a way that is engaging and accessible to a wider audience, making a meaningful impact outside of academia.
YECREA PolComm Section representatives
Emilija Gagrčin
Cristina Monzer
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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