European Communication Research and Education Association
The ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School brings together members of the European research community to explore contemporary issues within media and communication studies. The Summer School offers a supportive international setting for European doctoral students, where you can present and develop your ongoing PhD projects and build valuable networks. Our main aim is to provide you with support, insights, and guidance through a variety of activities, including individual feedback seminars with leading media and communication scholars.
The Summer School is open to all PhD projects within the broad field of media and communication studies. We especially encourage doctoral students who are in the middle of their studies to apply, as it is our experience that participation in this phase is the most productive and useful for participants.
The Summer School runs over seven full working days and awards 10 ECTS credits. The working language is English; therefore, a sufficient understanding of and ability to express oneself in this language is expected.
More on ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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