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ECC2024 Ljubljana - YECREA grant

  • 24.09.2024
  • 27.09.2024
  • Ljublana, Slovenia


The ECREA Young Scholars Network (YECREA) and ECREA invite applications for 10 grants and 5 travel for young scholars who are ECREA PhD members and are accepted to present at ECC2024.

To apply for YECREA grant click on the Register button on the left.

YECREA will offer 10 grants for early-career scholars (PhD students and scholars 1 year after completion of their PhD) in the form of conference fee waivers. These grants are awarded to PhD students and early-career scholars who lack funding opportunities. At least 5 out of the 10 grants will go to soft-currency ECREA PhD members.

Deadline for application: April 15, 2024.

The applicants are allowed to combine grants in the form of conference fee vouchers with the YECREA travel grants (apply here:


The grants are intended for YECREA members (visit to learn how to become a YECREA member) in order to support access to the academic community of media and communication scholars by attending ECREA’s biannual conference from 24th to 27th  September 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

Grant awards will be made based on several criteria, of which the most important is the applicants’ access to financial resources (e.g. from their home university, third-party funded projects or national funding institutions). The grants will be awarded only to early-career scholars whose presentation has been accepted to the programme of the conference. The applications will not be reviewed in terms of academic quality. However, applicants should preferably have submitted abstracts as first authors to the ECC conference programme.

If selected for a grant, you will be asked to send proof of acceptance to the conference (forwarding the acceptance e-mail) as well as some evidence of your PhD or post-doctoral research status (e.g. proof of enrolment, a letter from your institution, or a link to your home university profile).

To apply, please complete the form no later than April 15, 2024 at 23:59 CEST. We will notify the applicants by May 30, 2024. All grantees should confirm their attendance by August 2nd, 2024.



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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Support Young Scholars Fund

Help fund travel grants for young scholars who participate at ECC conferences. We accept individual and institutional donations.



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