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Cog in a wheel? Radio and Sound in the Changing Mediascape

  • 08.09.2025
  • 10.09.2025
  • Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey

 ECREA Radio and Sound Section
8-10 September 2025 

(ALSO: PhD pre-conference - 7 September 2025 - information will be circulated separately)

Media Department, Faculty of Communication, Istanbul Bilgi University, Santral Istanbul Campus

This conference aims to examine the past, present, and evolving role of radio around the world within a dynamic global media landscape. We will highlight the transformation of radio from a static entity to an adaptive component of the larger media ecosystem, continually reshaping itself in response to socio-political, economic, and technological changes. In the early 20th century, radio played an important role in the establishment and development of nation-states — especially militarily, economically, politically, and linguistically. Today, it is ubiquitous in various forms, multi-faceted, and present throughout the world. With the advent of artificial intelligence and non-human presenters, along with rising public mistrust and the prevalence of disinformation, radio faces new pressures to evolve. Nevertheless, radio endures as a critical medium, especially during global conflicts, where it serves as a source or way of communication for the different parties to the conflict as well as for the diaspora communities. 

Starting from this premise, we invite papers that help conceptualise “radio” as a cog in a changing wheel and focus on the dynamics that have shaped, over time and across the globe, the role of radio, be these roles assumed, attributed, or presumed by both broadcasters and listeners and be these radios private, public, university, community, clandestine, political, and more. We seek papers which explore the resilience and ongoing transformation of radio, emphasising its vital role in a shifting media environment and welcome interdisciplinary perspectives. We also welcome papers that contribute to investigating the various roles and forms that radio has occupied, as well as the various topics it has tackled since its inception to the present day across different political, geographical, economic, and cultural contexts. We are particularly interested in exploring the contexts and reasons behind these evolutions.

Furthermore, we aim to understand how the materiality of what is sometimes too quickly labelled as “radio” has evolved. Our goal is to investigate radio's transition from live, real-time broadcasting to a platform that accommodates on-demand audio formats and genres, working alongside podcasts, streaming, and downloadable content. This evolution has rebranded the industry as "audio" or "sound media", showcasing new capacities for audiences to listen almost whenever and wherever they want, thanks to the Internet and associated technologies

We also welcome conceptual and theoretical proposals that address the place of radio and sound studies in academic landscapes. These fields are tackled by researchers from various disciplines, from engineers to art researchers, and are mobilised to explore many topics, from the role they could play in war contexts to their place in the artistic and cultural development of groups and nations.

Lastly, we invite practitioners in the fields of radio and sound studies who are eager to combine their reflections with those of academics. By merging practical insights with theoretical perspectives, we aim to foster a rich dialogue that bridges the gap between practice and research.

The conference will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, and paper presentations that address the following themes related to the one or many main topic(s) of this conference:







      Broadcast locations (e.g. prisons, hospitals, educational institutions,refugee camps, farms, armed forces, …)








      Codes (non-talk)


      Sound Creation


      Talk shows, 

      Podcast typologies




      Pedagogy and education

      Awareness raising







      Civic radio 

      Free radio

      Pirate radio

      Alternative radio

      Radical radio 

      DIY radio

      Not-for-profit radio

      NGOs radio

      Feminist radio 

      Community radio 

      Local / national / regional radio 



      Radio in the global media landscape

      Ownership, regulation and governance of radio

      Freedom of speech

      Political and economical constraints

      Policies of broadcasting 








      Demographics within audiences



      Poetics of listening

      Philosophy of listening

      Politics of listening

      History of listening

      Listening as a cultural practice

      Phenomenology of listening 



      DAB, streaming or LTE broadcasting

      Podcasting distribution

      Sound platforms 


      Social media 

      Radio as an app


      Hybrid radio


      Artificial intelligence 

      Radio production and reception

      Trust, information and disinformation



      Radio and sound as research fields 

      Theories of radio and sound studies

      Political economy of the radio

      Radio and gender studies

      Methodological approaches to sound research

      Digital ethnography

      Digital methods

      Network analysis

      Archiving and oral history

      Radio history


      Radio journalism

      Radio art

      Sound art

      Aural culture and cultural aural expressions

      Reception studies 


The conference situates radio and sound studies within the broader contemporary media landscape and aims to start a dialogue with, and accept contributions from platform studies, Internet studies, sound studies, social media studies, critical political economy of the media, media history, digital media management, cultural studies, production studies, ethnography, and social sciences.


Deadline for abstract submissions: 17 February 2025

Notification of acceptance (and announcement of Early Bird date): 31 March 2025

Publication of Programme: w/c 28 April 2025 


Proposals for individual papers and panels can be submitted until 17th February 2025 through the conference website’s platform, which will be The submission system will be available from early January 2025. Abstracts should be written in English and contain a clear outline of the argument, theoretical framework, and, where applicable, methodology and results. Individual abstracts and panel proposals should be between 300 and 500 words. In the case of a panel, proposals should contain a short summary of the panel and include the 4 or 5 individual contributions (with the title and author’s names of each contribution composing the panel.


We will invite delegates of the Conference to submit their full papers no later than February 2026 to be selected for a special issue of the Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, edited by Intellect 

(, to be published in the second issue of 2026.

For further information, please contact the organising committee at this email address:



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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