The Science and Environmental Communication Section (SEC) of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) is pleased to invite abstract submissions for its upcoming interim conference in Norway. The conference will be taking place October 21, 2025, and is hosted by Department of Information Science and Media Studies and the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET), University of Bergen.
The conference will be held in connection with the biannual conference Beyond Oil (October 22-23, 2025) organised by the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation at the University of Bergen. You are welcome to also submit a paper for this conference. (Deadline for abstracts for Beyond Oil is March 28, 2025. Check website for submission guidelines).
This year the ECREA SEC interim conference has no thematic call. We invite papers that align with our host conference (Beyond oil) or relate to core topics of our thematic section. Examples of topic areas include, but are far from restricted to:
- media representations of science and the environment
- science and environment reporting, alternative and citizen’s media
- political and commercial discourse on the environment
- dialogic, participatory approaches to the communication of research-based knowledge
- communication, democracy and research governance
- public engagement with science and the environment
- environmental and science activism
- visualization and environment communication
- the digital turn in science and environment communication
- digital capitalism and the environment
- sustainability and media
- Southern/non-Western and Western approaches to science and environment communication
- (de-)politicization of the environment
- the environment and the political
Abstract, including title, name, affiliation, and email of presenter(s), should be no longer than 400 words (excl. references) outlining research questions, methodology and the expected contributions of the presentation.
To submit a panel please provide a description of the panel (aim, scope, contribution) no longer than 400 words (excl. references) alongside a 150-word description of each paper (including title, name, affiliation, and email).
Submission should be sent to the following emails ( and before May 1, 2025.
Important dates:
- Submission deadline: 01.05.2025
- Notifications on abstracts: 01.06.2025
- Registration for conference: 01.10.2025
- ECREA SEC Interim conference: 21.10.2025
- Beyond Oil conference: 22-23.10.2025