European Communication Research
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New TWG Affects, Emotion and Media has been established

05.10.2021 09:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ECREA is happy to inform you that the new Temporary Working Group called Affects, Emotion and Media has been established.

The aim of the TWG is providing a platform for European media and communication scholars to engage in an interdisciplinary exchange on this multifaceted and timely topic. TWG members are interested in or work on developing theoretical concepts and methodological approaches focusing on how affect and emotions shape and are shaped by media technologies, texts, and productions in mass and social media in numerous societal contexts, such as journalism, politics, entertainment, advertising, and everyday lifeworlds. Researchers working with qualitative, quantitative, and computational methods will have the chance to exchange ideas and collaborate.

We encourage all interested ECREA members to formally join the TWG, in order to receive and circulate important updates on events and publications. Please access your profile on the intranet, click on “update profile” and select the TWG Affect, Emotion & Media. You can also follow the TWG on Twitter: @AffectTWG_ECREA.

Débora Medeiros, Karin Horsti & Manuel Menke, are excited to welcome you!



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