European Communication Research
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Invitation to participate in survey on mental health in academia

03.10.2022 15:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Recent evidence on the state of mental health among academics suggests that we need to be concerned. Faculty members and PhD students around the world run a high risk of developing mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and burnout, at some point in their career. The structural conditions of academic work, such as high publication pressure, fierce competition, and a culture of constant evaluation, may well contribute to the problem; and the pandemic has clearly intensified it.  

As an association of scholars, it is the responsibility of ECREA to take these concerns seriously. In order to identify adequate responses to the problem, however, we first need to get a sense of the scale of the problem in our field. 

It is for this reason that ECREA sincerely asks you to participate in an approximately 20-minute online survey that aims to map the state of mental health among media and communication scholars from around the world.

Please use the following link to access the survey:  

The survey link is active until October 18th, 2022. 

Initiated and coordinated by Thomas Hanitzsch and Antonia Markiewitz (both from LMU Munich) together with Henrik Bødker (Aarhus University), the study is backed by ECREA together with several other international associations of scholars in the field. More information about the project is available here:



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