European Communication Research
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New Temporary Working Group established: Media Literacies and Communication Competencies and Aging and Communication Studies

26.09.2023 21:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ECREA is happy to inform you that the new Temporary Working Groups has been established.

Aging and Communication Studies will explore ageism, biases in data, algorithms and artificial intelligence. 

The Media Literacies and Communication Competencies TWG will pursues to live up to the needs of an ever-increasing community of researchers and educators, who identify as media literacies and/or communication competencies scholars and benefit from the consolidation of these disciplinary approaches.

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We encourage all interested ECREA members to formally join the TWGs, in order to receive and circulate important updates on events and publications. Please access your profile on the intranet, click on “update profile” and select the new TWGs.



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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