European Communication Research
and Education Association

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31.01.2024 09:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Deadline: March 29, 2024

The IAMCR conference theme „Weaving People Together: Communicative projects of decolonising, engaging, and listening“, taking place in Christchurch, New Zealand, is based on a Māori proverb (whakataukī) „Whiria te tāngata“, weaving people together in English, which is about the strength that comes through common purpose. IAMCR invites reflections upon (but not limited to) contemporary forms of communication, commonality, challenges to colonial structures and indigenous communication. 

ECREA will host one panel at IAMCR 2024 and invites the submission of panel proposals that are focused on timely and innovative topics and are diverse in terms of methodologies, theoretical standpoints and/or nationalities of the presenters. We especially encourage panel proposals which include a European perspective and a comparative research focus. This call for panel proposals is open to ECREA members of all ECREA sections and to all topics.

Please note the following information:

Panel submissions. Please submit the following details: (a) panel theme or title, (b) description of the panel, (c) names, titles of talks, affiliations and emails of each participant

In terms of diversity, we expect a strong panel proposal to (a) include contributions of at least two different countries, (b) feature gender balance, and, ideally, (c) include not more than one contribution from a single faculty, department or school. Panel proposals need to be original and may not have been submitted to IAMCR before or at the same time. 

Panels must be presented on-site at the venue of the conference.

Accepted panel presentations do not count towards the max. allowed individual paper presentations at the IAMCR conference.

Registering panelists. All panelists must be ECREA members by the time the conference takes place and agree in advance of submission to participate as panel presenters and to register for the IAMCR conference. IAMCR only provides a registration waiver for the panel convener, not for the other panelists.

How to submit?

• Email to:

• Submission deadline is 29 March 2024, 23:59 CET

• In case of questions please contact: Irena Reifová (

ECREA-IAMCR Conference Review Committee:

Andreas Schuck (U Amsterdam, chair)

Christina Holtz-Bacha (U Erlangen-Nürnberg, co-chair)

Irena Reifová (Charles U Prague, co-chair)



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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