European Communication Research
and Education Association

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ECREA General Assembly Announcement

13.03.2024 20:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ECREA will convene the 2024 ordinary General Assembly from 17–21 June. This Assembly will gather in an online space. Links to documents and voting tool will be shared with members when the General Assembly is opened or sooner.

During the Assembly, ECREA members will be asked to approve the Annual Report 2023 as well as the budget for 2024, and also to approve the Ethics code prepared by ECREA Ethics committee.

If you wish to amend the agenda of the General Assembly, please, contact ECREA Administrator at no longer than 17 May 2024 (30 days prior the General Assembly).


Following our statutes (see, each individual member has one vote, and each coordinator of an institutional member holds five votes. If you are an ECREA member through an institutional membership and you are not the institutional coordinator, you cannot vote but need to communicate with your institutional coordinator. If you do not know who your institutional coordinator is, please ask ECREA’s General Secretary Andra Siibak ( and ECREA Administrator ( in cc.



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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