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Best Paper Award for ECREA Young Scholars – European Journal of Communication (DEADLINE EXTENDED)

31.05.2024 10:47 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

 We are excited to announce that the European Journal of Communication has kindly agreed to sponsor a best paper award for early career scholars presenting their research at the ECC in Ljubljana in September 2024. The award carries a financial value of €1,500 and will be presented during the Ljubljana conference. 


  • The award is open to early career researchers (doctoral candidates and holders of a PhD, up to three years post-graduation). 
  • Papers should align with the journal’s comprehensive approach to communication research and theory, embracing all its diversity.  
  • Entrants must have their paper accepted for presentation at the ECC and must be members of ECREA. 
  • Eligible papers must be either sole-authored or first-authored by the applicant and must not have been previously published in any scholarly journal. 
  • Submissions of the same paper to both the EJC Best Paper Award and the EJCS Best Paper Award are not permitted. 

Submission Details: 

  • The EXTENDED deadline for submissions is June 30, at 4 PM CET. 
  • All submissions must be full papers and adhere to the submission guidelines of the European Journal of Communication. 
  • Entrants are required to submit a short biography (no more than 10 lines) along with their paper. 

Publication Opportunity: 

The winning paper will be considered for publication in European Journal of Communication, following the standard review process. Please note that publication is not guaranteed in advance. 

Submission Process: 

Please email your papers to

For further inquiries, feel free to contact us at the same email address. 

The award will be judged by a committee comprising of: 

  • Peter Golding (Editor of EJC) 
  • Christina Holtz Bacha 
  • Félix Ortega 
  • Irena Reifová



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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