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Call for candidates for members of ECREA Executive Board (deadline: 7 July 2024)

06.05.2024 11:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ECREA Election Committee consisting of Ana Jorge and Göran Bolin invites candidacies for members of ECREA Executive Board for the upcoming election period.

The candidacies should include:

  1. a brief position statement,
  2. a short CV,
  3. a statement specifying if you wish to become a candidate for one of the statutory positions (President, Vice-President, Treasurer or General Secretary), and
  4. the scan or photograph of passport or identity card.

The deadline for sending your candidacy and all documents is 7 July 2024.
The documents should be sent by email to:

The candidacies (position statements, CVs and candidacy statements) will be made public by the election committee one month prior the elections at the latest.

The General Elections will take place online from 23 to 26 September 2024, with the results announced during the General Assembly organised at 10th European Communication Conference on 26 September. The new Executive Board will be elected for the period 2024 – 2028.

How do ECREA elections work: Elections of ECREA Executive Board take place in two stages. During the first stage, ECREA members are invited to nominate themselves for Executive Board positions. During the online election, ECREA members (individual members and institutional co-ordinators) elect up to 11 members of ECREA Executive Board.

The elected Executive Board members then organise a vote for positions of the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer and the General Secretary.

In the second stage, the call for representatives of Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups is organised. The candidates come from management teams of Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups and are elected by members of respective management teams.

Legal provisions: For detailed information and procedures concerning ECREA elections you can consult Title III and Title IV of ECREA Statutes ( and Title I of ECREA Bylaws ( If less than 3 candidacies will be submitted, the Call for ECREA Executive Board Members will be repeated and the election period of the existing Executive Board will be extended by 6 months to organise the elections.

More information: Should you have any questions concerning the Executive Board elections send your inquiries to

Ana Jorge, ECREA Election Committee member
Göran Bolin, ECREA Election Committee member



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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