European Communication Research
and Education Association

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ECC2024: The Preliminary Programme is Available

13.06.2024 17:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The searchable programme is now published and available to plan your time in Ljubljana during and before or after the Conference.

Stay updated! The programme is dynamic and subject to changes as we continue to receive requests for allocations.

To get more out of the programme, log in with your registration details to:

  • access restricted content such as abstracts
  • create your personal programme, favourites, notes

The new programme is operated by the same platform as the ECREA 2024 Mobile App, allowing you to log in to both with your registration account, bringing benefits such as:

  • live sync between the web and mobile platforms – any changes in your personal programme, favourites, and notes are synced from the web to mobile and vice versa, keeping all platforms up to date
  • use the same predefined filters to find what you want in the Mobile app or your computer



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