European Communication Research
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General Assembly results

23.06.2024 08:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Bureau of the Executive Board (composed out of John W. Downey, Irena Reifová, Andra Siibak and Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt) organised a General Assembly in the period 17-21 June 2024. The General Assembly was organised with a use of on-line voting tool.

The agenda was as follows:

  • Approval of the minutes of the previous General Assembly (12-16 June, 2023)
  • Approval of the ECREA Executive Board Report for 2023 (including the ECREA accounts)
  • Approval of the ECREA budget for the budget year 2024
  • Approval of Membership Fees increase from 2025
  • Approval of ECREA Statutes amendments
  • Approval of ECREA Internal regulations in place of Bylaws
  • Approval of ECREA Code of Ethics
  • Any other business

ECREA Working Members (individual members and coordinators of institutional members) had the right to vote.

36 out of 148 institutional coordinators voted (24 %) and 153 out of 804 individual members voted (19 %) at the General Assembly. In total, considering that institutional coordinator’s votes are weighted to 5 votes, 333 votes out of 1544 were expressed (21 %).

The decisions and votes of the General Assembly of 17 -21 June 2024 are as follows:



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