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ECREA ECC 2024 sustainability goals and spotlights

14.08.2024 09:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The ECREA ECC 2024 conference integrates several sustainability goals into the conference planning: we want to minimise environmental impact, promote responsible practices and inspire positive change within the conference community. We hope that transparent communication about the conference’s sustainability efforts will build confidence among participants and demonstrate the conference organiser’s commitment to responsible event management.

We aim to address sustainability issues in several areas:

  • Energy efficiency,
  • Paperless approach,
  • Eco-Friendly travelling,
  • Water conservation and reduction,
  • Local sourcing of goods, services and food,
  • Vegan meals,
  • Education initiatives.

In order to create a favourable environment for sustainable diet, the ECREA LOC 2024 together with conference organising team joins the efforts of the Faculty of Social Sciences to seek solutions for a more sustainable and healthier diet at the University and thus make the greatest possible contribution to tackling the climate crisis.

Read more about the Conference Spotlights and ECREA LOC 2024 Food-related statement.



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