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ECREA EXECUTIVE BOARD (Governing BODY) ELECTIONS 2024: stage 2 (S/N/TWG Representatives): Results

12.11.2024 09:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ECREA is pleased to announce that new Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups Representatives were elected during the second stage of ECREA Executive Board (Governing body) elections.

New Sections Representatives are:

  • Jelena Kleut - University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
  • Catalina Iordache - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)

New Networks Representative is:

  • Dina Vozab - University of Zagreb (Croatia)

New Temporary Working Groups Representative is:

  • Maarit Jaakkola - Nordicom

Elections of ECREA Executive Board (Governing Body) take place in two stages. During the first stage, ECREA members elected up new members of ECREA Executive Board (Governing Body). In the second stage, the call for representatives of Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups was organised. The candidates came from management teams of Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups and were elected by members of respective management teams. Sections can elect up to two representatives, while Networks and Temporary Working Groups can elect one representative. 

The election took place online on November 6-8, 2024. Each member of a Management Team of a S/N/TWG held one vote for the election.



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