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CALL for EDITED BOOK PROPOSALS for Wave 17 of the Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education Series

27.11.2019 12:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The Series Editors Ilija Tomanic Trivundza, Christina Holtz-Bacha and Galina Miazhevich invite the submission of book proposals for the Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education Series.

The Book Series aims to provide a diverse overview of the work of ECREA members and working groups, showcasing

- diversity of topics and areas within the field of contemporary media and communication research, and

- addressing this diversity from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives, and

- promoting collaborative research of our members, either within or between ECREA Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups (S/N/TWGs).

WHAT are we seeking?

ECREA Book Series Publications need to have a clear theme or focus. Authors are strongly advised to outline the focus of the book and its framework in the abstract of the introductory chapter (see our submission form). The structure of the book (division of sections and chapters) should be in line with the proposed framework. Although the series is open to a wide diversity of disciplines and subjects, editors will consider the potential audience of a proposed book and previous publications on the topic within the Book Series.

ECREA Book Series Publications aim to promote European media and communication research. We are, therefore, seeking proposals, which have a strong European dimension either by virtue of inclusion of regionally and ethnically diverse voices and cases, or by virtue of comparative research. Proposals should attempt to bridge the divides between regional and linguistic academic communities and strive to secure regional (East/West/North/South) balance of contributors or analysed cases. Proposals can include a limited number of authors who are not ECREA members provide insights beyond European perspective (see details below).

ECREA Book Series Publications aim to promote collaborative research. The series publishes edited volumes, single author monographs or monographs from a limited number of authors or authors based at the same institution will not be considered for publication. Proposals resulting from work within ECREA S/N/TWGs as well as those resulting from collaboration between ECREA S/N/TWGs are particularly encouraged. Proposals resulting from S/N/TWGs events or international projects are welcomed if thematic coherence and European dimension of the topic are implemented. Proposals where the work comes from members of one institution or predominantly form one national academic community are not considered for publication.

We are seeking original, previously unpublished work. Inclusion of previously published work is accepted under condition that the work has previously not been published in English or was published in now mainly inaccessible outlets. In such cases, editors of accepted proposals will be required to acquire permissions to translate or republish the work (without any extra costs to the Book Series).

WHO is invited to submit?

The book series primarily promotes the work of ECREA members although a degree of openness towards non-ECREA members is also considered to add value to the Book Series.

At least 50% of the chapters need to originate from ECREA members (individual members, or members through an institutional membership). At least one of the editors needs to be an ECREA member. These conditions need to be met at the latest when the proposal is accepted.

Please note that ECREA Executive Board members cannot be editors of the books in ECREA book series, but can serve as authors of the chapters. The Book Series editors cannot contribute to the content of the books in the ECREA book series in any way.

What is the DEADLINE for submissions?

Proposals are to be sent to the series editors by email to by 20 February 2020.

HOW to submit the proposal?

Proposals are submitted using Book Series form. Only this form can be used for submitting a book proposal; applications that do not use this form will not be considered. Please note that the proposal should include a detailed abstract of each chapter including introductory and potential closing chapters.

Download the form here.

QUESTIONS and queries?

Should you have any further questions concerning the Book Series call, please email Wave 17 Series Editor Galina Miazhevich at

Please check the free chapter preview of recently published volumes in the series before submitting the proposal:

If you have problems accessing the documents, please email us at



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