European Communication Research
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Public statement on publishing practices in media and communication studies

02.11.2018 18:14 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

As an Association seeking to protect the interests of our members and promote the highest academic standards, ECREA is concerned about so-called ‘predatory publishing’ as well as any publishing practices that display shortcomings in terms of academic rigour, peer review, and transparency.

It has been brought to our attention that the scale of this phenomenon is increasing globally, affecting a growing number of ECREA members from early career researchers to senior academics and now represents a serious threat to the integrity of many fields and disciplines.

ECREA would like to draw this issue to the closer attention of members and advise caution in both choosing a publisher for your research and in accepting editorial positions that may unwittingly legitimate dubious publishing practices. Given the complexities of this issue, ECREA will establish a task force to monitor developments, engage in debate on publishing ethics and standards in the field, and provide advice to our members.



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