European Communication Research
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Call for Applicants: Young Scholar Grants for 8th European Communication Conference, Braga 2020

09.04.2020 16:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The ECREA Young Scholars Network (YECREA) and ECREA as well as Local organisers of the conference are closely monitoring the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of preventive measures across Europe. The intention of the organisers at present is to go ahead with the physical conference in October but they will review this on an ongoing basis. They will continue to inform members and participants in case of any changes to plans.

The ECREA Young Scholars Network (YECREA) and ECREA invite applications for:

  • 12 ECC 2020 grants for young scholars who are ECREA PhD members and are accepted to present at ECC;
  •  At least 4 out of the 12 grants will go to soft-currency ECREA PhD members;
  • Grant for regular ECREA PhD members: conference fee waiver + €250 travel/accommodation;
  • Grant for soft-currency ECREA PhD members: conference fee waiver + €350 travel/accommodation;
  • Deadline for application: 15th of May 2020.

The grants are intended for YECREA members (visit to learn how to become a YECREA member) in order to support access to the academic community of media and communication scholars by attending ECREA’s biannual conference from 2nd to 5th October 2020 in Braga, Portugal. The ECC 2020 grants include the waiver of the conference fee and partial reimbursement for costs of travel and accommodation.

Grant awards will be made based on several criteria, of which the most important is the applicants’ access to financial resources (e.g. from your home university, third-party funded projects or national funding institutions). The grants will be awarded only to young scholars whose presentation has been accepted to the programme of the conference. The applications will not be reviewed in terms of academic quality. However, applicants should preferably submit abstracts as first authors to the ECC conference programme.

The grants will be provided on the basis of reimbursement. The relevant claim form, digitalized invoices and receipts documenting actual costs must be submitted electronically to in addition to the submission of the original documents posted to the ECREA accountants: RSM Belgium, Lozenberg, 22 b3, B1932 Zaventem, Belgium. The applicant will be reimbursed up to the amount of the subsidy that was granted to the particular applicant.

Application & Timeline ECC Grants 2020

Applicants are expected to complete and submit the following Application Form: .

If selected for a grant, you will be asked to send a proof of acceptance to the conference (forwarding e-mail of acceptance of your presentation) as well as some evidence of your PhD or post-doctoral research status (e.g. prove of enrollment or link to your home university profile).

To apply, please complete the form no later than by 15th of May 2020. We will notify the applicants by 5th of June 2020. All grantees should confirm their attendance till 15th of June.

Timeline ECC Braga

Important dates are:

  • 15th June: Participants need to confirm their participation at the ECC (deadline updated)
  • 15th June: Registration opens
  • Early bird registration deadline will be extended, please see the conference website for updates.

For further information, please contact the YECREA management team (Johan Farkas, Corinna Lauerer and Norbert Šinković): .



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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Help fund travel grants for young scholars who participate at ECC conferences. We accept individual and institutional donations.



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