European Communication Research
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General Assembly has closed

02.06.2020 12:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ECREA regular General Assembly 2020 that took place in 25 - 29 May has closed. 162 voters (30% out of 540) participated in the online meeting and vote. Individual members and institutional coordinators were entitled to vote, each individual member had one vote and each coordinator of an institutional member held five votes.

The General Assembly confirmed the Executive Board report for 2019 and budget (284 votes in favor,  6 against and 16 abstained) and approved Minutes of the previous regular General Assembly (282 votes in favor, 5 against and 19 abstained). 

The General Assembly also confirmed the prolongation of the mandate of the existing ECREA Executive Board in case 8th ECC conference scheduled for 2-5 October 2020 is postponed (294 votes in favor, 10 against and 2 abstained). Decision on potential postponement of the ECC 2020 Braga conference will be made in the first week of June.



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