European Communication Research
and Education Association

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The Weekly Digest is an ECREA membership service which aims to:

  • inform ECREA members on upcoming relevant academic events of international interest and reach,
  • promote major new publications by ECREA members, such as books and special journal issues,
  • inform about alternative ways of member’s research dissemination (exhibitions, documentaries etc.), and
  • promote information on publishing and employment opportunities.

Unlike the constant flow of information typical of mailing lists, ECREA Weekly Digest offers a structured weekly summary of conference calls, calls for publication, job openings and member publications. It is designed as a curated service that aims to reduce both the cacophony and the constant bombardment with information, typical of the contemporary information ecology. Like ECREA Newsletter, the Weekly Digest is a membership-related service. As part of association’s official communication with members, it is sent weekly (on Fridays) to all members with active ECREA membership.


If you wish to promote an event, call or publication, please email it to the Weekly Digest Editor at You do not have to be an ECREA member to send information for the Weekly Digest.

The Digest is published every Friday. For the information to be included in the Digest, it must be sent to the Weekly Digest Editor before Thursday midnight (CET). All information received after the weekly deadline will be included in the Weekly Digest of the following week.

Content requirements and format

Basic information on event or publication must be sent in text form. The Weekly Digest will not publish attachments. The Weekly Digest will however publish links to websites of organisers or publishers where flyers and attachments are available. Images of book covers or posters are welcome for promotion of publications and alternative forms of research dissemination.

Each academic event such as conference or workshop can be announced twice through the Weekly Digest (e.g. information on the call and deadline reminder/deadline extension). The same rule applies to job openings and calls for publication, however the Weekly Digest editor can decide to include already published calls for publication or job postings in absence of new calls. 

The Weekly Digest aims to promote member’s major recent publications, such as books, edited volumes and journal special issues. If such publications are older than one year, they will be included in the Weekly Digest if the announcements offer purchasing discounts or free access. These announcements can be included in at least two subsequent Weekly Digests. 

The Weekly Digest is not responsible for the content of the announcements and its accuracy – please ensure that the sent information is correct as corrections after publication will not be accepted.

ECREA Weekly Digest is published in English language. Calls in other languages will be promoted only if the relevant content is also available in English and if events are of an international scope.

ECREA Weekly Digest is an edited service and the Weekly Digest Editor has the right not to include the information if it does not meet the objectives of the Weekly Digest and are not considered to be of interest to members of international media and communication research community.

Calls for publications which require authors to pay for publication or review will not be included in the Weekly Digest. Similarly, calls and other information which is considered to breach ethical norms adopted by ECREA will not be published.


Like administrative notices and invitations to General Assembly, ECREA Weekly Digest is a part of ECREA’s internal communication with members and is sent to all active ECREA members. All active members will automatically receive the Weekly Digest. If you are not an ECREA member, you can subscribe to the service below. 

Subscription form

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*First name
*Last name
This is where we will send you important information and updates.



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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