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Open Issue on historical communication and media sciences by medien & zeit 2021

04.02.2021 09:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Medien & Zeit

Deadline: April 30, 2021

Editors: Erik Koenen (Bremen), Christina Krakovsky (Vienna), Mike Meißner (Fribourg), Bernd Semrad (Vienna)

Guest Editor: Maria Löblich (Freie Universität Berlin)

In 2021, the Open Issue invites you to contribute articles in German or English from the whole range of historical communication and media sciences. Articles can present scientific results as well as discuss methodological and theoretical questions and concepts of historical communication science. The submitted article has to be an initial publication, not published or designated to be published elsewhere. After being checked for formal criteria and an initial examination of the content, each submission to the Open Issue is put through double blind peer review process.

Submissions are invited until 30th April 2021 as extended abstracts (anonymized, 10,000 characters including spaces, without notes and literature; Open Office or MS Word documents), with a removable cover page (containing name and contact information of the author/s), formatted according to the style sheet of medien & zeit (APA-Style 7th Edition;, via e-mail to Review results and information regarding the publication are to be expected until 31st May 2021.



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