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Place, Space, Cultural Participation, Value

04.02.2021 11:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

February 10, 2021

Online event

Deadline: February 8, 2021

Speaker: Dr. Tamsyn Dent (Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King’s College London)

Date & Time: Wednesday 10th February 2021, 16:00-18:00 (GMT)

All welcome.

This is a virtual seminar. Joining instructions will be sent the day before the event.

Please complete registration at Eventbrite: (open until 8.2.2021)


This seminar addresses the politics and situated relevance of place in relation to everyday cultural participation and recognition of value. It builds on Jonathan Gross and Nick Wilson’s (2018) work in relation to cultural opportunity through their development of the cultural ecosystem approach to understanding the interdependencies and interconnections of multiple cultural resources but adds a spatially driven relational framework, influenced by feminist geographer Doreen Massey (1994). The seminar will discuss the methodological approach to mapping cultural participation as applied in the Horizon 2020 research project ‘DISCE’ – Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Creative Economies – by looking at the spatial arrangement of cultural activity and participation, from the position of value and orthodoxy (Miles and Gibson 2016) in two small-sized European cities; Enschede, The Netherlands and Dundee, Scotland. The use of maps in the qualitative fieldwork data has enabled an exploration of cultural activity and opportunity from a multitude of locally based participants and through these visual narratives of space we’ve been able to explore recognition of the economic hierarchy of cultural activity, the existence of spaces that enable everyday cultural participations and the relationship and interconnections between them.

Gross, J. and Wilson, N. (2018) ‘Cultural democracy: an ecological and capabilities approach’, International Journal of Cultural Policy, pp. 1–16. doi: 10.1080/10286632.2018.1538363.ass

Massey, D. (1994) Space, Place and Gender. Univ of Minnesota Press

Miles, A. and Gibson, L. (2016) ‘Everyday participation and cultural value’, Cultural Trends, 25(3), pp. 151–157. doi: 10.1080/09548963.2016.1204043.


Dr. Tamsyn Dent is working on a collaborative EU project titled DISCE: Developing Inclusive & Sustainable Creative Economies which is looking at improving the growth of the Creative and Cultural Industries across Europe. She is interested in working structures and cultures within the growing creative economies. Her PHD explored the impact of motherhood on women’s career trajectories in the creative and media industries looking at the relationship between identity and value across different social spaces. Prior to her academic research, Tamsyn worked in documentary television production for independent companies and spent many years working in film exhibition for the UK-based women’s Film Festival, Bird Eye View.



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