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Narratives in Dispute: Epistemological Approaches to Conflict, Peace and Security

10.02.2021 20:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Tripodos No. 51 - Special Issue

Deadline: June 30, 2021

Editors: Óscar Mateos-Martín (Ramon Llull University, Spain), Ana Isabel Rodríguez-Iglesias (International University of Catalonia, Spain)

Publication: December 2021

The monographic is looking for contributions that offer epistemological approaches to the fields of conflict, peace, and security studies. The understanding of these phenomena is always mediated by who tells the story and the language used for it. As a result, in every context, there is always a plurality of narratives that are produced by top-down analysis and bottom-up experiences. How these narratives interact, clash, accommodate and influence each other is of utmost importance to make sense of how international interventions and the deployment of security and peace policies are received or confronted at the local level, and in turn, how bottom-up narratives could be integrated and get a central position. This call looks for critical articles –feminist, post-colonial, and/or critical and poststructuralist analysis– that focus on the process of narration and the actors involved in defining the script, as well as on intercultural translations by looking into possibilities of coexistence and tolerance.

Papers should be sent by June 30, 2021. In order to submit original papers, authors must be registered with the journal ( as authors. Following this step, authors must enter their user name and password, activated in the process of registering, and begin the submission process. In step 1, they must select the section “Monograph”.

Rules and instructions regarding the submission of originals can be downloaded at For any queries, please contact the editorial team of the journal at

Call for papers:



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